UNIT NAME AUH 4AAHU 5 UNIT SIZE 46,675 CFM44,150 CFM PRE-READ .33.91 POST-READ .23.23 REDUCTION 30%75% ELECTRICITY COST/KWH $ 0 OPERATING DAYS/WEEK 0 OPERATING HOURS/DAY 0 After performing coil cleaning and penetrating through the full depth of the coil: + Average…
Commercial RE
UNIT NAME 42 – BuildingsAHUs – 455 UNIT SIZE 2,362,433 CFM PRE-READ .42 POST-READ .23 REDUCTION 44% ELECTRICITY COST/KWH $ 0 OPERATING DAYS/WEEK 0 OPERATING HOURS/DAY 0 After performing coil cleaning and penetrating through the full depth of the coil: +…